Wednesday, 16 May 2012


1)      Using notepad as diary

§  Open notepad
§  Type “.LOG” without quotes    
§  Save it with any name
§  That’s all :P

   2)      Wanna do some mischief thing
§  Download rar file from here
§  Extract the hello.vbs
§  double click on it
§  notepad will start writing on its own
§  if you want to add you own words edit the file using note pad and replace the existing letters
§  That’s all :D


   3)      Hiding text in a notepad
§  Open cmd, go to the path where you want to save your text file.
Like if you want to save in D Drive so I wrote d: in cmd
§  Enter the command notepad hack.txt:hacked (hack.txt is the name of the file)
§  A prompt window will ask for creating a new file, press yes & write text whatever you want.
§  Save it by using ctrl+s
§  You have created a file with name in D drive
§  Open the file it won’t show any thing.
§  For showing the text again, write same command again in DOS as notepad hack.txt:hacked
Note : you can also try this in wordpad J

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